Lawson's 818C

  • Inspection 
    • I brought the car in for its Georgia state safety inspection. It passed! Really the only thing checked was the lights. Thank god my last-minute reverse light/blinker fix was successful. My horn didn’t work because my donor steering wheel apparently had some issues with the clockspring wiring. Not sure why exactly it had been messed with but something I’ll have to fix. For the inspection I manually shorted the horn wire to activate it and that was good enough. Didn’t even have to start the car or test the brakes haha.  But it made it and I got the paperwork I needed so that’s really all I was looking for 🙂
  • Bodywork Update
    • I installed the inner door skins and inner door latches.  They need some more tweaking and I need to make aluminum trim for the door handles because I mis-cut one slightly.
    • My headlight fix was successful! They are held in there pretty well with the new epoxy.
    • Rear firewall installed. The glass was hard to get in but that was expected. I’m not sure if FFR has something to seal the sides better but hopefully there is because it’s not really a complete seal to the bodywork.
    • I will continue working on the body now that the inspection is over. Lots of hours left of trimming, sanding, repairing, and finishing.
  • Windshield Wipers
    • I give this its own section because I was VERY impressed with the replacement wiper kit sent from FFR which is actually the Forma Car’s kit they have sold for a couple years. This is a mono wiper kit that does not require hood trimming. The instructions were easy to follow, the mechanisms were solidly designed, and the install went smoothly. Very unlike some of the FFR finish components…like the door latches. Certainly a worthwhile wiper solution.

  • The current interior state

  • Plate lights installed

  • Reverse lights operational!

  • My DIY light socket creation

  • Wiper system installed

  • Horn wiring issues uncovered

  • Driver inside door latch had to move back

  • Firewall installed

  • Outer door handle installed

  • I have some complaints with the door frame design at this corner…