Lawson's 818C

  • Transmission:
    • So the transmission news unfortunately did not get any better in the last week. I went to pickup a used 2004 WRX transmission for $300 from a guy about an hour away. I brought the transmission back and immediately started to disassemble it so I could install the diff and check out the condition of it. As luck would have it, it had a sheared 3rd gear on the main shaft. Long story short, I attempted to make the best out of a bad situation by getting $175 back from the seller and swapping my donor’s 2006 WRX gearset onto the 2004 WRX pinon, then using the 2004 WRX case.
      • So I now have an OBX differential, 2004 WRX clutch, case, and final drive with a 2006 WRX gearset. We’ll see how well I did rebuilding and checking the parts. Hopefully this thing will last a while.
      • I also found out the real issue with the donor transmission! It was not that the pinion had been improperly shimmed but that the guy left out a washer where the pinion and gear set bolt together (Where the FFR adapter now goes). All this work for one washer…
      • If anyone needs some miscellaneous trans parts I have some spares for sale! Only half of them are broken 🙂
    • Other poor news is that the 2006 WRX flywheel I had won’t work with my 2004 WRX pressure plate. There’s almost no difference in the 2004 and 2006 flywheel except for the alignment dowels for the pressure plate. So I have bought a new flywheel to install.
    • I had planned to have a timelapse rebuild to get something cool out of this but even my GoPro died during filming! It no longer turns on despite my best debugging efforts. 6 years of action didn’t kill it but filming a transmission rebuild did 😢.
    • I did repair the flywheel bolt threads so once I have a new one I can put it on immediately.
    • Ordered a clutch fork and slave cylinder for my 2004 trans.
  • I installed the front pedal box aluminum and bolted in the pedal box.
    • Fitment for the pedal box was extremely poor. Took me about 2 hours to get it installed and in the end I still had to redrill two holes as well as some trimming of the pedal box. I hadn’t had any major issues with FFR parts until this. I tried removing the front firewall aluminum so I could unbolt the pedal box mount but that did not help align it any better. I hadn’t heard of many others having this much of an issue with the fitment.
  • Despite spending almost 50 hours working on the car this week, haven’t gotten a whole ton done. Hopefully the next two weeks will be better as I will be in Michigan following then through December and away from the car.
    • Goal is to get the rear end finished, car rolling, and get started on fuel/brakes/clutch before I leave.

  • Pedal box installed

  • The car as is it sits now. Slowly progressing along to a roller

  • Didn’t need to machine the old flywheel, but all the threads have been repair and checked now

  • Almost got it to come on once but it froze on this screen

  • My newly rebuilt frankentransmission!

  • You can see the sheared 3rd gear here

  • Interior aluminum riveted on